Gwen Roby Smith

Gwen Roby Smith, Clinical, Oncology and Scar Massage Therapy

Discover how Massage Therapy can help you regain confidence and independence after injury, illness or surgery.

Gwen’s preferred style of massage includes gentle and effective techniques to create space in congested soft tissues, encourage movement and restore function without causing further distress or bruising.  The collaborative way of working helps to reconnect body and mind to identify small, safe, manageable changes and is suitable for clients in pain and clients with anxiety.  Gwen has a special interest in recovery pathways and recognises that mental health can be impacted by a change in physical health and vice versa and aims to support each individual to achieve their goal.

Gwen has completed post-graduate training courses in myofascial release, scar massage and oncology massage that enable her to work safely with clients undergoing or recovering from cancer treatment and offered massage on the Macmillan Suite at Luton & Dunstable Hospital.  Clients with all types of surgical scars report finding massage therapy treatment beneficial not only in reducing lingering uncomfortable physical sensations but also in lowering residual stress levels to support ongoing recovery after hospital treatment ends.

Alongside gentler and slower techniques to relieve stress and tension, treatment plans can support clients who are facing challenging situations or adjusting to changes in their physical capacity, by preventing tension accumulating in the body.  Whilst we recognise that we can’t control everything, we might be able to prevent something from becoming worse by, which in turn can help stabilise or improve the situation.

Adapted Clinical and Sports Massage techniques, Deep Tissue Massage and Trigger Point therapy may be used to ease areas of tension that contribute to pain, restricted movement, headaches, teeth grinding, sciatica and other symptoms.

Contact Gwen to discover what changes are possible.

For more information and contact details, visit Gwens’ website

You can book directly online by clicking this link. 

Gwen’s Treatments & Prices