The Belief Code

Unearth unwanted subconscious beliefs to free your mind, body, and spirit.

Is there an area of your life where no matter what you try, it feels like there is an invisible block preventing you from achieving it?

  • Do you procrastinate or self-sabotage yourself at work?
  • Maybe it feels like whatever you try to improve your health, nothing ever works for you.
  • Or you find you keep having the same kinds of problems in relationships.

What can Belief Code help with?

Your beliefs impact every every of your life.
For example, if you have a belief that “I am not good enough” it can stop your from going for that dream job, asking out the person you have a crush on or doing the presentations that can get you better known at work.

Belief systems can be the root causes of self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, perfectionism and procrastination.

Common life areas that belief systems can affect are health, relationships, confidence, abundance, career, public speaking, business skills such as marketing or sales.

Releasing Core Belief Systems with the Belief Code

Often we look at beliefs in isolation. Identifying a belief statement and use various methods to shift that belief to the opposite. However, there are often a whole set of beliefs contributing to a block, pattern, unhelpful behaviours or negative thoughts.

In the Belief Code we use a tree analogy:

The Soil – Faulty Core Identity: A Faulty Core Identity is the origin story of the belief. These beliefs often begin when we are children and absorb the ideas around us without question. These become associated with our identity so closely, they may be unrecognisable to us.

Root Ball – Faulty Core Belief: When a negative belief is reinforced, and supported by other emotions, that belief begins to grow and even become additional beliefs. It spreads and compounds upon itself, becoming a tangled web of roots that becomes our belief system.

Trunk – Limiting Beliefs: Things you believe about yourself or the world. You might have no idea that thought was lingering in your subconscious mind. (1-3 per system)

Branches – Negative Programs: Negative Programs are the result of the full system, producing the automatic negative self-talk and negative chatter in the mind. (1-4 per system)

After identifying the whole belief system, I use the Body Code to release all the associated imbalances that are holding it in place. Think removing ivy / bindweed that is wrapped around the tree, so that we can then get in to the branches and trunk.

Then we can chop down the tree, pull up the roots and remove the soil.

Finally, we clean up the area and if necessary plant a new tree with positive beliefs in Its place.

If you believe you can, or if you believe you can’t, you’re right! ~Henry Ford

 With new empowering beliefs, your subconscious mind can begin to work with you to support you in achieving your goals, instead of holding you back!

Please contact Claire on 07743 829701or email to book your free consultation


Claire Baker